Product Documentation

Product Documentation

The Aneto WBS Jira App is an amazing addition to your work flow as it considerably improves the project planning speed and collaboration. 

With the use of a WBS tool, different teams in the project can be assigned different work pieces that they can then breakdown into Epics, Stories, Task, subtasks or even custom issue types. 

How is the Aneto WBS Jira app better than the traditional List view in Jira? :

  1. You can mix different Jira projects into one initiative without having to upgrade to Jira Premium
  2. Our interface is faster 
  3. You can use colour codes on your issues 
  4. You have a Figma-like real time changes on the document as other team members make changes
  5. As a professional project manager, you can see the code of accounts (COA) on each issue 
  6. You can estimate issues using: Original estimates, Story points or PERT estimation 
  7. You can see rollup values to Story, Epic, Initiative and other levels 
  8. You can track time right on this estimate and change remaining estimates
  9. You can save project templates so that if you always have the same initial nodes on your project, you don't always have to create them from scratch
  10. You can quickly export to Google sheets or Excel 
  11. You can always ask for new features that fit your circuit and your voice will be heard. 

Save time by creating templates with the basic project issues that you and your team usually start with. 

Define, assign, estimate issues. Estimate with normal hours, story points or by PERT estimation